The Dynautics SimBoxes are available for surface and underwater vehicles and include:

  • the simulator software;
  • a SPECTRE autopilot module;
  • RCW front end Remote Control Workstation (RCW) software;
  • a GENIE analogue and digital interface;
  • power supplies and cables;

The SimBox combines all of these elements, conveniently packaged in a high quality, robust carrying case.

Applications include autopilot test, hardware-in-the-loop testing, concept studies, as an aid to system design, development and training.  The use of a SimBox system helps to ensure the new vehicle concept can be optimised before committing to hardware build.  In the world of AUV and USV design, this leads to a reduction in the time and cost of development, and improved chances of mission success.

Dynautics SimBox

Reducing your time to market.